Best Reasons Why You Should Monitor Your SEO Rankings

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Make sure your SEO strategy is working
Unless you’ve got an experienced and well-trusted SEO team on your side, you never actually know whether your hard SEO work actually pays off. Monitoring your rankings will help you to figure out how to tweak your campaign and improve your results even more. As an additional bonus, you’ll soon be able to figure out which of your SEO techniques are giving you the best results. That way you can streamline your process and focus on the actions that give you the best results.

Make sure you’ve picked the best Keywords
Keyword research is one of the most important aspects of search engine optimization. Why? Because you can spend a lot of time, money and effort ranking a website and if the keyword isn’t right than you’re out of luck. What could be wrong with your keyword? Well, it could be a ‘browsing keyword’ where people never actually buy something, it could have very little traffic or it could just lack relevance. In any case, monitoring your SEO rankings, traffic and analytics stats will help you to catch any ‘duds’ before you spend too much time and money on your rankings.

Make sure your competitors don’t outrank you
Who hasn’t experienced this? One day you’re number one and getting lots of traffic and all of a sudden you see your visitor numbers drop and you realize you’re down four or five spots. How does that happen? Your competitors are stepping up their game and you’re being left behind. To avoid such a nasty surprise, monitor your rankings regularly and you’ll be able to outrun your competitors easily.


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